Mt. View Colquitz Community Assoc. Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, October 15th 2024 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Pearkes Recreation Center (3100 Tillicum Road) Owen Room
Please practice social distancing and wear a mask if you wish. MVCCA is interested in including more community members in our association and the executive.
Draft Agenda
7:00 PM Welcome and Introductions – 2025 memberships available ($5.00 cash only please).
Territorial Acknowledgement
Approval of agenda
Guest speaker: Colin Plant - Chair, Capital Regional District (CRD) Board and Saanich Council member
* break for refreshments and enter into draw for door prize *
8:00 PM AGM meeting
Approval of 2023 AGM minutes minutes link
Executive Reports -President, Treasurer, Mt. View Garden Coordinator) president's report
(motions to accept reports and pay current bills)
Nomination/Election of Officers - (two year term) Only half of executive to be elected, this year we are seeking to
fill the positions of Vice-President, and any number of Directors at Large. Membership permits you to
vote at the meeting and to stand for office. Director's form link
General discussion and questions
Engagement with Saanich - sign up for news about surveys, use of SaanchMap
Our 'wish list' for community amenities link
Draw for door prize - choose one book from the five options, all by local authors
Oct. 22 - Saanich Community Forum/Town Hall beginning 6pm Cedar Hill Golf Course Clubhouse
Nov. 19 - next meeting
Carey Rd. 3950 - site of 6 Mile Bakery (Abstract)
Raymond St. S. 3656 and 307/309 Brunswick Pl– (Métis Nation BC)
Active applications – in Progress
Cadillac Ave., 305 subdivision to create two lots
Nigel valley rezoning complete multi-phase construction
Tennyson Ave., 3304-08 & 3312 – 2 lots rezone to M-1DW – 8 storey light industrial and commercial
Tolmie Ave., 760 – 555 rental units on top of Superstore. 3 towers, 24, 21 and 21 stories respectively
Whitter/Harriet purpose-built rental (Rizzo Developments) 3383 Harriet Rd. & 3442/3444 Whittier Ave.
Approved but not yet built
Canterbury Rd., 665 - subdivide lot - March 2023, received approval of change to design FOR SALE? tree removal permit
Douglas St. 3415 - site of old gas station two story commercial – no update since 2020
Kamloops Ave., 220 - subdivision to create two lots
Nora Place, 591 - subdivision to create two lots - last update 2019
Seaton St., 3901 - accessory building converted to garden suite
Tillicum Rd., 3661 - subdivide lot - property for sale
Uptown tower (3440 Saanich Rd.) – 24 storeys 318 rental units and commercial - current use as pickle ball court
Mt. View Colquitz Community Assoc. –
Regular Meeting, Sept. 17, 2024
7:00 – 9:00 pm Pearkes Recreation Center, 3100 Tillicum Road - Owen Room
Welcome and Opening Remarks Please practice social distancing as there is concern over the latest COVID variant
Minutes of previous regular meeting (June 2024) draft minutes
SCAN (Saanich Community Assoc. Network)
Mt. View Garden
Saanich “Sustainability & Climate Action Advisory Committee” (Ron Jeffries)
Correspondence (and news)
Council meeting reports and decisions
Permit and Application Modernization Program July 2024 Update
Rapid Deployment Non-market housing report at council
Whitter/Harriet - Rizzo project at ADP
Nigel valley DP amendments
Friends of Cecelia Creek Falls Park Society - request for meeting
Old Business and business arising from agenda
AGM planning and costs draw for a book, cookies & juice
Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing
use of SaanichMap - new Planning tab
New Business
Uptown Transit Hub project
Tillicum Road, 3745 - rezoning application to create one additional lot site plan
request for comments due by Sept 29 referral
Oct. 15 AGM - guest speaker Colin Plant - plan your questions
Oct. 19 provincial election day
2023 AGM
Mt. View Colquitz Community Assoc. Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Pearkes Recreation Center (3100 Tillicum Road) Owen Room
Please practice social distancing and wear a mask if you wish. MVCCA is interested in including more community members in our association and the executive. We encourage you to become more involved by becoming a Director at Large on the executive or helping out with a time-limited task of your choosing.
Draft Agenda
7:00 PM Welcome and Introductions - memberships available ($5.00 cash only please).
Membership permits you to vote and to stand for office.
Territorial Acknowledgement
Approval of agenda
Guest speaker: Megan Rowe – CRD Climate Action Program Assistant
3656 Raymond St. South brief project update by Caitlin Bird, Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC)
last minute change: Kear Porttris will substitute for Ms. Bird
break for refreshments
8:00 PM AGM meeting
Approval of 2022 AGM minutes - link
Executive Reports (motions to accept reports and pay current bills)
(President, Treasurer, Garden Coordinator) link
Nomination/Election of Officers - (two year term) Only half of executive to be elected, this year we are seeking to fill the positions of
President, Treasurer and any number of Directors at Large. Any member is welcome to stand for election. Director's form link
General discussion and questions
Possible impact of new housing legislation
Our 'wish list' for community amenities link
Draw for door prize and adjournment
Jan 16, 2024 - next MVCCA meeting
Mt. View Colquitz Community Assoc. –
Regular Meeting, October 17, 2023
7:00 – 9:00 pm Pearkes Recreation Center, 3100 Tillicum Road - Owen Room
Please wear a mask if you prefer and practice social distancing during the meeting.
DRAFT Agenda
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Presentation CANCELLED Caitin Bird will provide update at the November meeting
3656 Raymond St. South project Caitin Bird, Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC)
Minutes of previous regular meeting (Sept. 2023) link
SCAN (Saanich Community Assoc. Network)
Mt. View Garden
Correspondence (and news)
C-6DE zoning decision Oct. 16
Old Business and business arising from agenda
Pets and Parks Policy - residents concerns see Sept. 25 council minutes for details
Sustainable Saanich Official Community Plan update
760 Tolmie Project
New Business
AGM Nov.21
Oct. 24 BioRegional Event 7:30-9:00 UVic David Strong Bldg Joe Brewer
Mt. View Colquitz Community Assoc. Annual General Meeting
Tuesday; November 15th, 2022 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Pearkes Recreation Center (3100 Tillicum Road) Lam Room
Draft Minutes
Attendance: N. Dyer , C. Hamill (chair), S. Laming, D. Larose, K. LeBlanc, S. Maxwell, B. Money, F. Nelson,
D. Oostland, S. Maxwell, L. Murply Pottage, C. Rempel, S. Robertson W. Willis, D. White. guest: Mayor Dean Murdock
Welcome and Introductions - memberships available ($5.00 cash only please). Membership permits you to vote and to stand for office
Meeting called to order at 7:20 pm
Territorial Acknowledgement by D. Oostland
Approval of agenda moved by D. Larose, seconded by S Laming, CARRIED
Approval of 2021 AGM minutes moved by D. Larose, seconded by S. Laming, CARRIED
Executive Reports - written reports provided by President and Treasurer and Mt. View Garden coordinator. Current bank balance is $ 3,498.48. Our ad for the meeting in the Saanich News was large and only cost $ 319.46
Motion to accept reports D. Larose, seconded by S. Laming, CARRIED
Nomination/Election of Officers - (two year term) Only half of executive to be elected, This year is:
Vice President, Recording Secretary and any number of Directors at Large to be elected.
Vice President - position unfilled, a member of the executive will fill in if the President is not available.
Recording Secretary – position remains unfilled - President prepares meeting minutes
2022 - 2024 (two year term) New Directors at Large are: S. Laming, D. Larose, C. Rempel, S. Maxwell
Adjournment at approx. 7:50 pm
Draw for door prizes. Poinsettia plants won by: D. Larose, C Rempel, W. Willis, D. White
Guest speaker: Mayor Dean Murdock
Mt. View Colquitz Community Assoc. Annual General Meeting
Tuesday; November 16th, 2021 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Pearkes Recreation Center (3100 Tillicum Road) Lam Room
We are having a ‘bare bones’ meeting with elections, reports and discussions only.
Attendance: A. Argyle, A. Beks, C. Hamill (chair), E. Johnson, S. Laming, S. Maxwell, F. Nelson, D. Oostland, L.M. Pottage, C. Rempel, J. Turner
Welcome and Introductions - memberships available ($5.00 cash only please). Membership permits you to vote and to stand for office
Meeting called to order at 7:15 pm
Territorial Acknowledgement by E. Johnson
Approval of agenda moved by S. Laming, seconded by E. Johnson, CARRIED
Approval of 2020 AGM minutes moved by A. Beks, seconded by S. Laming, CARRIED 2020 AGM minutes
Executive Reports - written reports provided by president and treasurer. Current bank balance is $ 2897.21
Oral reports provided for Mt View Garden maintenance (F. Nelson) and Saanich Community Assoc.
Network (SCAN), (D. Oostland)
Motion to accept reports CARRIED
President's report Treasurer's report SCAN report
Nomination/Election of Officers - (two year term) Only half of executive to be elected, This year is:
President, Treasurer and any number of Directors at Large to be elected. Any member is
welcome to stand for election.
C. Hamill acclaimed as President for two year term
D. Oostland acclaimed as Treasurer for two year term
E. Johnson elected as Director at Large
The two executive members who have completed their terms and were not present, will be contacted to
see if they would like to continue as Directors at Large (AM. Deryaw and J. Harvey) (both declined)
list of 2021-22 executive
Community contributions ‘wish list’ discussion. We added several items to the list
Adjournment at approx. 8:30 pm