Territorial Acknowledgement
We acknowledge with respect the Lək ̓ ʷəŋən peoples (represented by the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations) and the W̱_SÁNEĆ peoples (represented by the W̱ JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout), W̱_SIḴEM (Tseycum) and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) Nations) on whose traditional territory we live and work.
Mount View Colquitz Community Association (MVCCA) was founded in 2007, when groups from two different neighbourhoods came together. Now the association advocates for three communities: Mount View, Colquitz, and the Saanich Core. MVCCA is one of the community specific associations supported by the District of Saanich.
A complete list of associations is available at: Saanich website.
Our meetings are held at Pearkes Recreation Center (3100 Tillicum Rd.). General meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month (except July, August and December) The time is from 7 - 9 pm. The room location will be posted with the agenda.
MVCCA is a not-for-profit society, registered under the BC Societies Act. It is governed by an executive board of members, half of which are elected at each Annual General Meeting. The term of office is two years. We have named offices (pres, secretary etc.) and any number of Directors At Large. The staggered, two year terms, help ensure continuity. We have flexible job descriptions, so as to accommodate the needs of our volunteer officers who all have busy lives apart from the community group.
Membership cost is $ 5 per year, payable at any time. Members have an opportunity to impact events, association business and issues with which the association is concerned and to contribute to the creation of their community.
To contact us for membership see our: Join Us page
We are committed to celebrating the rich diversity of people in our community. We all share the responsibility for creating an equitable and inclusive community and for addressing discrimination in all forms.
2023 - 2024 Directors:
President Carol Hamill 250 658-2856 email: hamill(at)island.net
Past President Susan Belford
Vice President vacant
Treasurer Debbie Oostland
Recording Secretary vacant
Director at Large Scott Laming
Director at Large Don Larose
Director at Large Sheila Maxwell
Director at Large Chris Rempel
The MVCCA maintains:
MVCCA needs more members and particularly new executive members, to bring forward their ideas for projects and activities that will help build community.
The MVCCA is interested in including more community members in our association and executive. Join to receive emails about events, meetings and issues in our area. By participation in the executive, you can play an active role and head up a time-limited project, of your own creation.
For example:
plan an activity day for in Mt. View Park e.g. family day or Climate Café
arrange for guest speakers
plan a community survey, or knock on doors to inform neighbours about the MVCCA
plan a neighbourhood social
plan a weed pulling / planting event
prepare a neighbourhood disaster plan
plan a children's event
plan a newsletter to be mailed within our area
arrange for a beautification project such a hydro box art, or mural
work with Saanich and CRD to plan area signage, including historical sites
manage a spring plant exchange
Territorial Acknowledgement
We acknowledge with respect the Lək ̓ ʷəŋən peoples (represented by the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations) and the W̱_SÁNEĆ peoples (represented by the W̱ JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout), W̱_SIḴEM (Tseycum) and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) Nations) on whose traditional territory we live and work.
Mount View Colquitz Community Association (MVCCA) was founded in 2007, when groups from two different neighbourhoods came together. Now the association advocates for three communities: Mount View, Colquitz, and the Saanich Core. MVCCA is one of the community specific associations supported by the District of Saanich.
A complete list of associations is available at: Saanich website.
Our meetings are held at Pearkes Recreation Center (3100 Tillicum Rd.). General meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month (except July, August and December) The time is from 7 - 9 pm. The room location will be posted with the agenda.
MVCCA is a not-for-profit society, registered under the BC Societies Act. It is governed by an executive board of members, half of which are elected at each Annual General Meeting. The term of office is two years. We have named offices (pres, secretary etc.) and any number of Directors At Large. The staggered, two year terms, help ensure continuity. We have flexible job descriptions, so as to accommodate the needs of our volunteer officers who all have busy lives apart from the community group.
Membership cost is $ 5 per year, payable at any time. Members have an opportunity to impact events, association business and issues with which the association is concerned and to contribute to the creation of their community.
To contact us for membership see our: Join Us page
We are committed to celebrating the rich diversity of people in our community. We all share the responsibility for creating an equitable and inclusive community and for addressing discrimination in all forms.
2023 - 2024 Directors:
President Carol Hamill 250 658-2856 email: hamill(at)island.net
Past President Susan Belford
Vice President vacant
Treasurer Debbie Oostland
Recording Secretary vacant
Director at Large Scott Laming
Director at Large Don Larose
Director at Large Sheila Maxwell
Director at Large Chris Rempel
- holds nine general meetings a year on the third Tuesday of the month
- has a representative attend the monthly SCAN (Saanich Community Assoc. Network) meetings
- sends representatives to various workshops and provides feedback on Saanich initiatives
- hosts events such as a Spring Plant Exchange
- supports area initiatives from groups or individuals
- has at least one representative at all development project Open Houses
- has a representative to speak at council meetings where local projects are on the agenda
The MVCCA maintains:
- the Mt. View Park native plant garden
- a website that provides information on local issues and events
- connection with the neighbourhood through brochures and information booths; such as at Saanich Earth Day Festival
MVCCA needs more members and particularly new executive members, to bring forward their ideas for projects and activities that will help build community.
The MVCCA is interested in including more community members in our association and executive. Join to receive emails about events, meetings and issues in our area. By participation in the executive, you can play an active role and head up a time-limited project, of your own creation.
For example:
plan an activity day for in Mt. View Park e.g. family day or Climate Café
arrange for guest speakers
plan a community survey, or knock on doors to inform neighbours about the MVCCA
plan a neighbourhood social
plan a weed pulling / planting event
prepare a neighbourhood disaster plan
plan a children's event
plan a newsletter to be mailed within our area
arrange for a beautification project such a hydro box art, or mural
work with Saanich and CRD to plan area signage, including historical sites
manage a spring plant exchange