MVCCA is committed to reaching out to the broadest possible constituency of community members; this means you. There are lots of ways to get involved in the MVCCA, depending on your interests and inclinations. If you are most interested in building community, help organize neighbourhood events like a block party, or a party in the park. If land use, or density or traffic concerns you, help the Association help Saanich to make informed decisions on these issues, by attending Council meetings to listen and speak about issues on behalf of the Association.
Residents involved with the MVCCA participate in many key committees and activities. You can find out more about these under:
- Land Use and Development : work with neighbours, developers and the municipality to ensure that new developments reflect community values
- Transportation: identify traffic hot spots and advocate for a traffic plan for the neighbourhood that facilitates traffic flow while creating a pleasant pedestrian friendly streetscape.
- Environment: connect with initiatives to protect creek habitats, set up local mobile recycling days, beautify streetscapes and optimize parks and green-space.
Membership costs $ 5 per year, payable at any time but running until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members have an opportunity to impact all events, association business and issues with which the association is concerned and to contribute to the creation of their community.