Transit Exchange at Uptown - 2024 NEWS
Transit Hub housing MoTI project link
Public engagement - very early stages of the Uptown Transit Hub site
Timeline: August 19 to September 18, 2024 see webpage project link
Open House: Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 5pm to 8pm Location: New Life Community Fellowship Church 3900 Carey Road
Pop-Up Event: Thursday, September 5, 2024 from 4pm to 6pm Location: Galloping Goose overpass near the Uptown Shopping Centre
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure project presentation July 2024
slides from presentation link
MVCCA notes from meeting link
MoTI notes to MVCCA link
MoTI notes to QCHCA link
Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas (TOAs) (March 8, 2024) link
The TOA map for the Uptown transit hub was presented to Council May 13th. It consists of two circles the inner allows minimum height of 10 storeys (3.5 FAR) the outer circle allows minimum height of 6 storeys (2.5 FAR).
This map will have very little impact on the Uptown Douglas Plan area, as the heights allowed by UD, are generally higher than these amounts. The transit hub property is subject to Uptown Douglas Plan - "Core Designated Area" Policy 5.1.4 which permits heights to a maximum of 24 storeys..
657 Harriet Road property bought by province to add to transit hub size Times Colonist
The Victoria Regional Transit Commission has released a 10 year vision statement however the Uptown Transit Hub is only one, in a list of transit hubs proposed for long term planning 10 Year Vision dated 11 Aug. 2020.
Uptown Mobility Hub Concept Design
Victoria Region RapidBus Implementation Strategy and Action Plan
passed by Saanich Council 8 Feb, 2021
1. That Council receive this report for information.
2. That Council send a letter to the Victoria Regional Transit Commission and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
outlining their support in principle for RapidBus, identifying the funding commitment and key next steps that the District
of Saanich will take to accelerate its implementation in order to meet our climate and sustainability goals and targets;
and requesting funding contributions to support the development of an Uptown Mobility Hub Congept Design.
3. That Council direct staff to submit a resource request for one-time funding of $200,000 in the 2021 Budget, to provide
the District of Saanich share of costs for the development of an Uptown Mobility Hub Concept Design.
4. That Council direct staff to commence work on the following RapidBus projects in collaboration with BC Transit, the
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and other stakeholders:
a. Lead the development of a detailed design and implementation plan for the UVic to Uptown RapidBus Line,
including identifying the associated costs and funding sources required for implementation; and
b. Lead the development of an Uptown Mobility Hub Concept Design and detailed implementation plan, including
identifying the associated costs and funding sources"
Impact on Our Neighbourhood
At this time it is not known which organizations will be invited to participate in the concept design process, or if there will be any effort to use this site for any purpose besides the transportation function. Given that Saanich has acknowledged a housing crisis, the site is a much needed opportunity for affordable housing.
What partnerships can be imagined? and what organizations and governments are going to be approached?
What could be built here that Saanich could be proud of? Will there be any room for big ideas?
The photograph below is of the combined transit hub and student housing building, at the University of BC.
Transit Hub housing MoTI project link
Public engagement - very early stages of the Uptown Transit Hub site
Timeline: August 19 to September 18, 2024 see webpage project link
Open House: Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 5pm to 8pm Location: New Life Community Fellowship Church 3900 Carey Road
Pop-Up Event: Thursday, September 5, 2024 from 4pm to 6pm Location: Galloping Goose overpass near the Uptown Shopping Centre
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure project presentation July 2024
slides from presentation link
MVCCA notes from meeting link
MoTI notes to MVCCA link
MoTI notes to QCHCA link
Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas (TOAs) (March 8, 2024) link
The TOA map for the Uptown transit hub was presented to Council May 13th. It consists of two circles the inner allows minimum height of 10 storeys (3.5 FAR) the outer circle allows minimum height of 6 storeys (2.5 FAR).
This map will have very little impact on the Uptown Douglas Plan area, as the heights allowed by UD, are generally higher than these amounts. The transit hub property is subject to Uptown Douglas Plan - "Core Designated Area" Policy 5.1.4 which permits heights to a maximum of 24 storeys..
657 Harriet Road property bought by province to add to transit hub size Times Colonist
The Victoria Regional Transit Commission has released a 10 year vision statement however the Uptown Transit Hub is only one, in a list of transit hubs proposed for long term planning 10 Year Vision dated 11 Aug. 2020.
Uptown Mobility Hub Concept Design
Victoria Region RapidBus Implementation Strategy and Action Plan
passed by Saanich Council 8 Feb, 2021
1. That Council receive this report for information.
2. That Council send a letter to the Victoria Regional Transit Commission and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
outlining their support in principle for RapidBus, identifying the funding commitment and key next steps that the District
of Saanich will take to accelerate its implementation in order to meet our climate and sustainability goals and targets;
and requesting funding contributions to support the development of an Uptown Mobility Hub Congept Design.
3. That Council direct staff to submit a resource request for one-time funding of $200,000 in the 2021 Budget, to provide
the District of Saanich share of costs for the development of an Uptown Mobility Hub Concept Design.
4. That Council direct staff to commence work on the following RapidBus projects in collaboration with BC Transit, the
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and other stakeholders:
a. Lead the development of a detailed design and implementation plan for the UVic to Uptown RapidBus Line,
including identifying the associated costs and funding sources required for implementation; and
b. Lead the development of an Uptown Mobility Hub Concept Design and detailed implementation plan, including
identifying the associated costs and funding sources"
Impact on Our Neighbourhood
At this time it is not known which organizations will be invited to participate in the concept design process, or if there will be any effort to use this site for any purpose besides the transportation function. Given that Saanich has acknowledged a housing crisis, the site is a much needed opportunity for affordable housing.
What partnerships can be imagined? and what organizations and governments are going to be approached?
What could be built here that Saanich could be proud of? Will there be any room for big ideas?
The photograph below is of the combined transit hub and student housing building, at the University of BC.